It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the newest leadership group to hit this great nation, FountainHead RI.  The motto for the new group is “Empowering Future Leaders.”

Personal Background

I have always been very involved in giving back to future generations simply because of the way I grew up.  My parents taught me and my brothers to be appreciative and thankful for everything we have in life and to pay it forward to those who may not have the same opportunities or be as fortunate.  I am currently involved in volunteer efforts both on the local and national level, as are most members on the committee and Board.

How it all began…

One day, sitting around the house, contemplating about the people I interact with on a day-to-day basis, both inside and outside of the workplace, a thought came to mind.  I have always had a very strong work ethic and like to surround myself, whenever possible, with people who share this trait.  The thought was to form a group of like-minded individuals from different industries across the state and surrounding areas to come together and discuss issues Rhode Island is currently facing among many other topics.

Fostering an Environment for Creativity and Success

We want the environment to be informal so people feel comfortable speaking up, and more importantly, to enable creativity to flow.  If you think about meetings in the workplace that you may attend today, people want them to be structured, to follow a set agenda.  We want to do the exact opposite; although there will be a set of initial topics to discuss, how these conversations go or where they lead is open for the group to decide.  Sometimes going off on a tangent can lead to a “lightbulb moment” which has already proven to be true for our group in several of the initial meetings.

Bringing People Together

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, Helen Keller famously said.  Although I do believe that one person can change the world with the right mindset and a lot of hard work, this would be different.  In order to get the best and brightest future leaders from industries in and around the RI area, additional colleagues would be required.  A phone call was made to both Nick Denice and Jason Dodier and the rest is history; we all just happen to be Bryant University alums as well.

The three of us share a true passion in wanting RI and the people who live in this great state to succeed.  If opportunities currently available are not doing the trick, well then why not offer a helping hand.  This is exactly what this group symbolizes; leaders coming together and providing other potential future leaders with the skills necessary to empower them to lead both current and future generations.


Our vision for FountainHead RI is for the group to serve as a leader in the community; working with and providing recommendations to the political leaders of RI, and most importantly serving as advocates for the state and the people who live here.


The co-founders of the group are Nick Denice, Jason Dodier and myself.  Each of us also serve on the group’s governing Board.  Matthew Hassett makes up the final member of the Board.  Below the Board there is a leadership committee, which serves as the backbone and sounding board for the group.

It’s all in the Name

Why FountainHead RI for a name?  The definition of Fountainhead means the original source of something.  The vision for the group is to bring RI back to its former glory and be considered the “go to source” when it comes to leadership and the next generation.  We want to be at the forefront of change and not an obstacle in its way.  Americans across the country, and maybe more importantly the people of Rhode Island, need to understand that we may be a small state, but we have some of the top leaders and future talent anywhere in the country.


FountainHead RI sets itself apart from other leadership groups across the country mostly due to its members.  Members of both the committee and the Board have been hand selected due to their respective track records in both their career and communities.  Initially, members of the committee were handpicked to ensure the group would be diverse in terms of its membership.  We wanted members to speak openly in meetings, without fear of competing companies taking advantage of perceived weakness.

What is Next?

During 2017, be on the lookout for networking events, including bringing in local not-for-profits to present their respective missions.  Events throughout 2017 will culminate with our now-famous annual end-of-the-year networking event (previously held at The Dorrance).  Our 2016 end-of-the-year event received glowing reviews with well over 100 attendees.

As we work towards giving back to our state, and growing future leaders, know that we are talented; we are motivated; and most importantly of all, we are ready.  The group is excited to share our diverse backgrounds and expertise with the great people of the state of RI and its surrounding communities.

David Almonte

Co-Founder, FountainHead RI